Empowering Owners to Make Well-Informed Decisions.
The preconstruction phase is a crucial stage that lays the foundation for a successful and well-executed project. Faden Builders will be with you each step of the way.
We define project goals, analyze the construction site, develop a detailed budget, coordinate with design professionals, obtain permits, and ensure regulatory compliance. We perform risk management, constructability reviews, and value engineering to optimize efficiency and cost-effectiveness. A comprehensive project schedule is developed, and subcontractors are selected through a bidding process. Contracts are negotiated, and effective communication channels are established with the owners. Faden Builders sets the groundwork for a successful construction project by addressing key elements such as design, budgeting, risk mitigation, and owner engagement. We set the stage for a smoother construction process, minimizing potential issues and ensuring that the project is well-planned and aligned with the owner’s goals.